How to Use MediaStreams in React

Software Notebook
2 min readSep 27, 2022

Do you need to access the user’s webcam for video chat or the user’s microphone for a recording? In this simple tutorial, I’ll show you how to access and use the computer’s media inputs with React.

The MediaDevices interface provides access to connected media input devices like cameras and microphones.

Get access to user’s media input

After getting the user’s permission, the MediaDevices.getUserMedia() method produces a MediaStream. This stream can have multiple tracks containing the requested types of media. Examples of tracks include video and audio tracks.

The getUserMedia() method takes in a constraints parameter with two members: video and audio, describing any configuration settings for the tracks. It returns a Promise that resolves to a MediaStream object. You can set your video element’s src to the stream.

Here are some examples of preferences that you can customize in the stream:

Save user’s media stream in a variable

After you get the user’s media stream from .getUserMedia(), you should save the stream in a state variable. This is so that you can manipulate the stream later (to stop it, get a track from it, etc.)

For example, if you want to stop the stream, get all of the stream’s tracks using the MediaStream.getTracks() method and call the .stop() method on them.

If you want to access the audio separately, use the MediaStream.getAudioTracks() method. To access video separately, use MediaStream.getVideoTracks().

You should also have state that controls if media input is on or off. You should use the useRef hook to control the video element in the DOM.

This is the final code:

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Software Notebook

I’m Josh and I write articles to help you with software development, data science, and more.